How to Choose the Best Camera for You. Get started making high quality videos

Which Camera Should I Purchase?

Many people have asked me over the years what type of camera they should buy. There is no one right answer. It depends on many factors. Because I have been in their shoes, I understand what it is like to need someone to guide me. This article is intended for anyone interested in video production, whether professionally or as a hobby. This article is for the filmmaker, film school student or blogger who has a particular video-making need. If you feel any of these descriptions sound familiar, continue reading.

* The Blogger Podcast host:
You are a blogger, or a podcast host who needs to improve your video quality. A fancy, high-tech camera is not necessary. You just need something that makes you look good.

* Film School, Anti-Film School student
Perhaps you are frustrated at the lack of theory you have learned in film school or from a film and/or video program. Now you are ready to go out and shoot, but first you must start collecting your gear.

* The Aspiring Pro-Filmmaker or Video Producer
If you want to get paid to create videos, here are some ways to do it. You need the right tools to make your sound and image stand out from the rest.

Let’s move on to the main tool: The Camera.

Not all cameras are created equal.

Camera manufacturers must have a clear purpose in mind when designing a camera. You may be thinking “A camera is just a camera.” But it’s not. There are basically four main types of video cameras.

* Consumer Camcorders
* Prosumer Camcorders
* Large Sensor Cameras

You might not have much experience making videos, so it can be difficult to choose the right camera for you. It can be difficult to determine which type of camera is best suited for which purpose, or what camera is the most appropriate for which situation. It is difficult to understand why you would choose one type of camera over another.

The right tool for the job.

You can use almost any camera in any situation. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. If you were a house painter, and were asked to paint the exterior walls of a large mansion. To paint the entire house, you would not use a single brush. You would use rollers or some other spraying device. The same goes for video cameras. Filmmakers and video professionals are often required to shoot in many different situations. There are reasons certain cameras were designed with specific specifications. Camera manufacturers design cameras based upon user feedback and typical video shooting situations. However, this doesn’t mean that you should buy more than one camera. You probably only have one camera, and can afford it.

It all begins with the camera. It is the main tool for filmmaking and video. Video and filmmaking are a visual medium. Cameras come in many styles and options. Every few months, new models of cameras come out. Prices can vary greatly. Every camera has its strengths as well as its weaknesses.

You may not be familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each camera type if you are just starting out. You may have heard a friend tell you that you must buy a DSLR in order to take professional-quality videos. The downsides may not have been explained by your friend. Even worse, if you are primarily creating web lectures of several hours each, the DSLR is not the right tool for you. You might find that the highly-recommended DSLR is not the right tool for you.

One producer told me that they needed a camera capable of producing stunning images but that they also needed to capture a lot of footage. They needed a large sensor camera that could record long periods of footage. According to the producer, the videographer who worked with them had a camera with large video files and very short record times. They had to slow down in order to load large amounts of footage onto a computer, which slowed down their production schedule. The camera is also an ergonomic nightmare. This also made it difficult for the shooter to change settings frequently, which in turn slowed down the workflow.

As the person who brought the wrong type of camera to the job, I have been there. This not only cost me money, time and energy but also negatively affected the shoot experience and my relationship with the client. I am proving that having the right tool for the job is possible. How else can you make informed decisions about a future camera purchase?

How can you determine which type of camera is right for you?

Here is my opinion about what you should consider.

* Identify the main subjects you shoot. What are you using the camera for?
* Determine your budget. You should budget for additional media and accessories costs.
* Choose the best camera that meets all your requirements.
* Select the best audio solution for your camera. You may need a mix of a mic and a recorder, or a mixer.
* Select the tripod that best suits your camera. Your tripod size will depend on how heavy your camera is.
* If you have to use lighting, choose it. It all depends on what your shooting needs are.

This order will allow you to narrow down your selection of camera and supplemental equipment. It all begins with the choice of camera. Your choice of camera will inform the audio/mics and tripod, as well as the lights.

Because technology is constantly changing and new products are introduced every year, I recommend that you plan to use your camera for at least 2 years.

You should also determine what is a need and what is a desire. Electronic gadgets are emotional. You need to decide what your emotional needs are and how you can meet them. It is not your best option to have a camera that fulfills only your current needs and does not meet your future desires.

Example 1: A cheap camcorder is techmash different types of cameras purchased to shoot your children’s soccer matches. However, your goal is to create beautiful cinematic films that will be entered into film festivals. While the cheap camcorder may work for you, it doesn’t provide enough to make your dreams come true.

Example 2: The reverse of the first. A fancy DSLR is great, but you really need to have a pocket camcorder. The next thing you know you are spending extra on accessories and lenses to make your DSLR work well for video. You would be able to shoot straight out of the box if you had the camcorder when you first bought it.